
Posts Tagged ‘sumner’

One of skin care’s best secret weapons is exfoliation. While many people know what exfoliating is or that they should do it, they often don’t. Men typically believe skin care treatments are for women only, and women often put it off as too time consuming to fit into a busy day. In as little as three minutes a week you can brighten your lack luster skin and have a “dewy” glow.

Exfoliating should be done three times a week. It is important to remember that your body heals itself at night and if you use anti aging serums, exfoliate at night because it will help product penetrate deeper into the skin receiving more health care benefits.

Exfoliation is a technique that can and should be used by both men and women once a week in order to maintain healthy beautiful looking skin. The process of exfoliation removes the dead skin cells from the top layer of your skin. These dead skin cells accumulate on the skin, and without some method of removing them, they can cause a great deal of trouble for you. Dead skin cells clog pores trapping dirt and oils inside and encouraging blackheads, pimples, and other facial blemishes. This is especially true for oily skin. Dead skin cell accumulation causes much of the oils produced by oily skin to get trapped underneath the dead cells causing a layer of oil that just adds to acne problems.

St Ive’s Apricot Scrub is VERY harsh on the skin.  In my experience as a licensed skin therapist of analyzing people’s skin under a 16 diopter magnifier I have seen fine cuts on the epidermis caused from heavy pressure of exfoliating and also from the granule crystals in the product. If you have this product at home, don’t throw it away, instead use it as a foot scrub!

The top layer of your skin is called an acid mantle and it has a natural ph of 4.5 to 5.5, anytime you are using a product that is either too drying or moisturizing to the skin you are changing the ph level in the skin. Adverse effects also cause you to change the hyaluronic acid level. Hyaluronic acid levels are the natural oils in the skin that help hydrate the skin and keep it soft and supple.  Using the incorrect product or harsh products can lead to oil shine break through mid day.

An exfoliator should be soft,  non-granule and non-abrasive. Dermalogica makes a Daily Micro Exfoliant and is made of rice. It still should only be used three times a week and NOT consecutive days.

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Age spots or liver spots are a build up of the chemical melanin in the skin, resulting in a brownish or black blemish on the skin and usually afflicting people over the age of 40 with a history of prolonged exposure to the sun. Although called liver spots, this condition is a skin occurrence that has absolutely nothing to to with the liver. The main cause for liver spots is a gradual and continuous exposure to UV rays, which leads the body to react with overproduction of the main skin pigmentation causing chemical melanin. It may take years for these spots to begin appearing on the skin, and although a long lived condition in the making, removal and reduction of the effects of liver spots, though not immediate, need not take the same amount of time to treat. If you are afflicted with liver spots, there are several treatments that are popular, with the most effective being the four mentioned here:

  1. Protect your skin from the sun. With the use of sunscreen, properly covering clothing, and avoiding sun overexposure is the number one defense against these unsightly blemishes. Be sure to read your sunscreen products, and eye wear to make sure that they effectively protect you against the UVA and UVB rays that promote melanin buildup. Using a stand alone SPF in a moisturizer is critical. If it is in your make-up it DOESN’T count because the potency of the SPF strength is diluted once the chemicals to cover blemishes are added.
  2. A proper diet – While not always associated with skin care, a proper diet can go a long way in reducing liver spots. Vitamin C and vitamin E rich foods such as citrus fruits and green vegetables are not only great for your skin, but also help to promote general health and higher natural energy levels at almost any stage of life.
  3. Skin creams – Natural skin creams known to help with the reduction of age and liver spots are found many pharmacies, either over the counter or through the prescription of your health care professional. One great substance that is often found in these whitening creams is hydroquinone.  Dermalogica’s Chromo White line has been shown in clinical trial to diminish the signs of age spots by as much as half. To promote the production of elasticity and collagen in your skin, two naturally occuring substances in the body that help the skin to remain firm, elastic, and young looking all at the same time.
  4. Use anti-oxidant containing natural supplements. Natural supplements, often containing either green tea or olive leaves are a great source of anti-oxidants that help to reduce the amount of free radicals in the skin that lead to progressive skin damage and lowered protection levels. Make sure that the supplements that you take are composed of all natural ingredients in order to ensure the safety of their use, as well as their proven effectiveness, as most chemical concoctions seem to benefit the marketing department of the source company than they do the health of your skin.
  5. Chemical peels have great health benefits to help lighten age and liver spots on the surface, while providing benefits to the inner layers of skin.

Using these methods on their own or in conjunction with each other often help to not only reduce the signs of age and liver spots, but also act a a preventative measure against re-occurrence or spread of the condition.

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Ingrown hair is a condition where the hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin. The ingrown hair condition is seen primarily among people having curly hairs although any skin or hair type can be prone to this condition. It may or may not be accompanied by an infection of the hair follicle  or “razor bumps” , which vary in size. While ingrown hair most commonly appears in areas where the skin in the beard, legs, arms, pubic region, it can appear anywhere on the body where hair grows.

Anything which causes the hair to be broken off short with a sharp tip can cause ingrown hair. Shaving is the leading cause, followed by waxing and tight clothing. The embedded hair causes a localized inflammation and can become painful and pus filled. Sometimes ingrown hair occurs naturally without shaving, as too much dead skin or blocked pores can make hair grow sideways.

The following are some GREAT and inexpensive home remedies to prevent ingrown hairs:

  • Prep and soften skin and hair. Prior to shaving, use a gentle scrub which will both remove dead skin for a cleaner shave, and help point hair out of the skin for it to be properly shaved. Shave after you have been in the shower for a bit, not right away, since the steam and heat will soften the hair.
  • Use a new blade, or try a different kind altogether. Old blades are both dull and can introduce bacteria into freshly shaved skin. Some skin types simply do not respond well to standard blade shaving. If you are still having ingrown hairs or razor bump/burn challenges, switch to a high quality electric razor.
  • Watch your pressure and technique. Press gently with the blade as too much pressure removes excess surface skin. Shave with the grain, as shaving against the grain will cause both skin irritation and point hairs back into the skin causing a bump. Try and avoid shaving over the same area too many times, as each stroke removes skin cells and can cause unnecessary irritation.
  • Waxing is another way to help prevent ingrown hairs because it is detaching the hair follicle at the papilla, or the end of the hair follicle. When the hair begins to grow back it is soft without stubble.
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    Do you have “Urine crystals” in your feet?

     Spring is finally here and that means Summer and sandal weather is just around the corner. Besides having your feet looking nicely manicured there are specific health benefits to having a pedicure. Pedicures are a good way to help keep your feet healthy, looking, smelling and feeling good. The rest of your body might not follow suit and feel as well because your feet harbor the most toxins. Thus the reason why there is sometimes an odor coming from your feet when they have been sweating and in closed quarters cramped in shoes all day.

    A pedicure cleans feet, provides nail care and detoxifying foot massages. A good pedicure can be very relaxing and if you have foot problems it can be very therapeutic.

    There are specific toxins that build up prodominately in the arch and toe area of your feet call urine crystals. Urine crystals are often increased concentrations of uric acid can cause crystals to form in the joints, which leads to joint inflamation and pain. Characteristic of gout. Uric acid can also form crystals or kidney stones in your bladder that can damage the kidneys. Reflexology is a great tool and technique to losen the particules so that your body can excrete in a normal fashion.  A few specific types, however, can be important in certain clinical situations.

    A great cheap trick to not have urine crystals build up in your feet and body is to drink PLAIN water and lots of it. This will help the body flush unnecessary toxins from harboring in the body.

     There are some things to consider when looking for a good pedicure. All instruments should be new or sterilized prevent the spread of fungus or disease. A pedicurist should be licensed and accredited and make you feel comfortable. If you are not at ease with your pedicurist, you should not proceed with the pedicure.

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    Do you suffer from black circles under your eyes? If you do you want to read this blog.

    Skin is the largest organ in our body and it tells a story. Our body gives us “symptoms” that something is wrong and it is our job and duty to be in-tuned to these “symptoms” and to make the proper changes to rectify whatever it is that we are doing to our bodies.

    Sweating is a wonderful natural form of detoxifying. Although sweating doesn’t fully allow our body to release toxins. Our colon is the main organ for this. If you suffer from black circles under your eyes it could mean that you need to cleanse your colon and rid your body of toxins. The skin around your eyes is the thinest part of skin anywhere on the body.

    Often times I see clients who have black circles under their eyes and when asked if they have regular bowel movements 9 out of 10 times the answer is “no.” Lack of hydration is another reason for these circles because the skin is dehydrated. Water is a very important liquid that our bodies need to allow our system to flush properly.

    A great recommendation for a gentle colon cleans is Yerba Prima 30 Day Colon Cleanse. This can be found at Super Supplements and has one specific for women and men.

    Please remember when cleansing the colon to drink extra water during this time. Also, keep a food diary of what foods you are eating, you will find that certain foods upset the stomach. Avoid heavy starches and foods during this time. The purpose of a cleanse is to rid yourself of toxins so NO McDonald’s. You will notice some weight loss during this time as a wonderful added side effect.

    Cleansing your colon is recommended once a year and can be done every 6 months. John Wayne had 16 lbs of undigested food in his colon that was found during his autopsy. He could have had Thanksgiving dinner from last year still awaiting to be released!

    Another great cheap in-expensive trick for those bags under the eyes is Perpetration H. This should be applied at night because our bodies heal and renew at night. DO NOT use the medicated one as that will cause your eyes to burn. Remember this is a temporary “fix” and you need to go to the root of the health issue as to why you are experiencing this problem.

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    If you are currently using a washcloth to wash your face daily then you will want to read this.

    Using a washcloth on a daily basis can change the natural moisture level of your skin. This is also known as over exfoliating because a washcloth is abrassive and leaves skin dry, damaged and chaffed. I see clients on a regular basis who state they have rosacea, a skin disease that causes redness and pimples on your nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead. The redness may come and go. 90% of the time this is caused from the overuse of a washcloth or using a product that is too harsh for their skin type.

    Usually, washcloths sit by a dirty bacteria filled sink or in the shower and are re-used the next day. Germs and bacteria harbor on this washcloth and is now spread to your face, causing break out activities.

    Try using:

    Warm water to loosen dirt and clogged pores. Use a pea-sized bit of cleanser, Use your fingertips in an upward circular motion to cleanse. Rinse with cool or lukewarm water.

    Exfoliate with a LIGHT exfoliator ONLY 3 times a week and not consecutive days

    Use a daily SPF moisturizer.

    Toner: Optional

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    Please join us for our Grand Re-pening April 8th@ 5pm
    Tour our new facility, enjoy food catered by Mama Stortini’s and prize giveaways.

    Rejuvenation Salon & Spa NEW location:
    5324 84th St E Tacoma WA 98446

    We open our doors April 1, 2010
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