
Posts Tagged ‘prevention of ingrown hairs’

Ingrown hair is a condition where the hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin. The ingrown hair condition is seen primarily among people having curly hairs although any skin or hair type can be prone to this condition. It may or may not be accompanied by an infection of the hair follicle  or “razor bumps” , which vary in size. While ingrown hair most commonly appears in areas where the skin in the beard, legs, arms, pubic region, it can appear anywhere on the body where hair grows.

Anything which causes the hair to be broken off short with a sharp tip can cause ingrown hair. Shaving is the leading cause, followed by waxing and tight clothing. The embedded hair causes a localized inflammation and can become painful and pus filled. Sometimes ingrown hair occurs naturally without shaving, as too much dead skin or blocked pores can make hair grow sideways.

The following are some GREAT and inexpensive home remedies to prevent ingrown hairs:

  • Prep and soften skin and hair. Prior to shaving, use a gentle scrub which will both remove dead skin for a cleaner shave, and help point hair out of the skin for it to be properly shaved. Shave after you have been in the shower for a bit, not right away, since the steam and heat will soften the hair.
  • Use a new blade, or try a different kind altogether. Old blades are both dull and can introduce bacteria into freshly shaved skin. Some skin types simply do not respond well to standard blade shaving. If you are still having ingrown hairs or razor bump/burn challenges, switch to a high quality electric razor.
  • Watch your pressure and technique. Press gently with the blade as too much pressure removes excess surface skin. Shave with the grain, as shaving against the grain will cause both skin irritation and point hairs back into the skin causing a bump. Try and avoid shaving over the same area too many times, as each stroke removes skin cells and can cause unnecessary irritation.
  • Waxing is another way to help prevent ingrown hairs because it is detaching the hair follicle at the papilla, or the end of the hair follicle. When the hair begins to grow back it is soft without stubble.
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