
Posts Tagged ‘home tips for dandruff’

When it comes to dandruff, many people don’t like having it. After all, it’s messy and can flake off everywhere. What many people don’t realize is that one out of every two people suffer from dandruff. With the appropriate hair care measures, you can help put that dandruff where it belongs. Off of your head!

Dandruff is better known as having a dry and flaky scalp that can itch at times. A person’s entire body surface continuously sheds dead skin cells. Dandruff, the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp at an excessive rate, due to dehydration of your scalp skin, is the result of the normal growing process of the skin cells of the scalp.Dandruff is often times thought about resembling snow that falls to the ground, because it is so fine and when it falls, it looks like snow falling from your head.

Besides the anti-dandruff creams, lotions, oils and shampoos available in the market, there are many simple household remedies to fight dandruff described below:

  • Hot oil therapy is one method to cure dandruff. Massage hot oil into the scalp at bedtime. Next morning an hour before bath, rub lemon juice mixed with cosmetic vinegar (mix 1:2 ratio) into the scalp. Give the hair a good wash with egg shampoo.
  • Give your hair a hot steam bath. Massage hot oil with a hot damp towel and leave it on the head like a turban so that the steam can fight dandruff. You may use two towels for this purpose. This will improve the moisture of your scalp skin to fight against forming dandruff.
  • After giving your hair a good wash, boil five teaspoons of dried and used tealeaves in limewater, use it as a last rinse after shampoo, to give your scalp skin, the factors of anti-dandruff formation. This gives your hair… a lustrous shine and provides nourishment too.
  • Instead of shampooing, massage handfuls of baking soda into the hair and scalp to absorb oil and to loosen dead skin on scalp. Rinse thoroughly and use no other shampoos. While initially the hair may seem dry, after several weeks, dandruff will go off and hair will be smooth and shiny.

Your combs have a great effect on your hair care outcome. You want to make sure that your brushes and combs are washed out thoroughly on a regular basis. Last but not least, NEVER SHARE YOUR COMB WITH ANYONE ELSE. Enough said?

When it comes to dandruff, effect hair care measures can help it become a thing of the past. There are many great dandruff shampoos and conditions which provides the level of hair care that you need in order to keep dandruff from reappearing on your head of hair. If you follow the  steps that were in this post, you are sure to become successful when it comes to effective dandruff hair care.

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