
Posts Tagged ‘haircut’

Most men should get a haircut about every five weeks, whether they have closely cropped hair or a longer style. Women with short hair should get a haircut every four weeks; otherwise their style may begin to lose its shape. This is especially true of blunt bobs. Those with medium length hair can wait a bit longer and get a haircut every five weeks. Long hair requires a trim at least every six weeks to avoid split ends. Some people may not get a haircut when they are trying to grow their hair long. This is a mistake, as your hair will end up looking unhealthy. Subtle trims do not hinder hair growth. Also, those with thicker hair should generally get a haircut more frequently than those with finer hair.

When changing your style, there’s a few things you can do to increase the odds you’ll like your new do. Before you get ahaircut, try to find a picture of the style you have in mind. Several magazines are devoted to this topic. Women’s magazines such as Allure, Elle, Vogue, In Style and Cosmopolitan also feature many photographs of different hair styles. Most salons also keep these magazines in their waiting rooms. You can discuss your picture with your stylist and decide what will look best on you, taking into account the shape of your face and its features and your complexion.

Some stylists will allow you to make two appointments, the first being a consultation and the second when you will actually get a haircut. This way, you have time to think about what you really want before committing. This is a good idea if you are making a dramatic change. Two appointments may also be required if you are coloring your hair, especially for the first time. The stylist may recommend a patch test to make sure you are not allergic to the dye before dying your whole head during a second appointment.

Also, pay close attention to how the hairstylist styles your new cut. Does the stylist use any specific products? At many salons, you can purchase the tools you’ll need to maintain your haircut. Most stylists welcome questions and will gladly show you how to get the look at home.

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Many people think they were born with frizzy hair but frizz is breakage that occurs in all hair types and textures. People with curly hair tend to be very rough on their hair. This breakage may be caused by vigorous combing or brushing of the hair especially when wet. Studies show that hair stretches much more when wet and should be treated gently, Metal combs and the improper use of round brushes is also very damaging to the hair.

Redken Cat Reconstructing Protein is a great way to re-hydrate your hair and lock in the nautural moisture. It is also good to have a deep conditioning service prior to having a color service, as this can be drying and damaging to the hair follicle. The conditioner will help coat and protect the hair from further damage. This service does not have any adverse effects on the coloring process.

Another way to stop frizzy hair is the use of a frizz control product product prior to blow drying, curling or flat ironing your hair. This is not a shampoo or conditioner but is designed especially for frizzy hair. They come in several forms. Serums, careful not too much, and gels are a lot easier to apply. It’s a 10 Miracle leave in product is a coveinant spray which is much less messy. The blow dryer you use is also important to those of us with frizzy hair. Modern ceramic blow dryers generate negative ions that make frizzy hairs lay down. As a result your hair will be smooth and shiny with no fly-a-ways.

A good cut is very important to control frizzy hair. A blunt cut is usually best. If you need a more textured look ask your stylist to point cut it. Avoid the use of thinning shears or razor cutting. Thinning shears crush the ends of your hair and razors slice the ends giving frizzies a place to start. If your hair is too thick ask your stylist to layer it to remove bulk and improve manageability. So remember be gentle with your hair, use a deep conditioner at least once a week and have you hair trimmed regularly and you’ll beat the frizz.

A great home care tip for frizzy hair is to leave a heavy conditioner in your hair for about 5 to ten mintes. Wrap a hot towel around your head. The hot towel activates the ingredients in the product and it’s as relaxing as a trip to the spa. After rinsing gently blot the excess water instead of rubbing the towel over you head. Towel rubbing and harsh brushing can lead to hair breakage and make it much more vulnerable to frizz. Leave-in conditioners that you can spray on will help dry damaged hair. If needed, you can re-apply it later in the day to control frizz.

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