
Posts Tagged ‘foot detox service’

While most of you are too conscious about your face, did you ever think that your feet also require some attention? Your feet are the most used and abused part of your body. Right from the time you wake up in the morning, to the time when you go back to bed at night, your feet are constantly being used. Though most of us exploit our feet to the maximum, we rarely bother of consciously resting or relieving them. The result – extremely tired and swollen feet!! The need to relax, revitalize and soothe the feet, after a long day of standing, walking or wearing uncomfortable shoes, scores high on many people’s wish list. In the following lines, we have provided some tips for getting relief from swollen and tired feet.

Tips To Relieve Tired & Swollen Feet

  • The easiest way to get relief from tired and swollen feet would be to dip them in a bucket of cold water. You can even keep your feet under a cold-water tap.
  • Another effective method would be to take cold drink cans from the refrigerator and roll them over the feet. It will provide relaxing effect, kicking away bouts of tiredness or swollenness.
  • Place your feet on a pillow and rest for about twenty minutes. Elevated feet helps in getting relief from tired and swollen feet.
  • Rubbing feet with peppermint oils and fragrant herbal oils are effective in treating swollen feet. Massaging would improve circulation, which in turn will reduce edema.
  • This might come to you as a surprise but rolling a tennis ball under your feet for several minutes is an effective way of exercising the feet and treating tiredness.
  • Soak your feet in tea tree oil to get relief from pain and swelling.
  • Add ginger to your diet, as it is a very good remedy for swelling. You can also have onions and garlic, as they have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that fight against the inflammation causing agents.
  • Broccoli contains calcium and vitamin C, which help in fighting swelling. Have steamed broccoli at least thrice a week.
  • The carotenoids in spinach also fight inflammation to a great extent. So, incorporate spinach in your diet.
  • Soak almonds and walnuts overnight and consume thm in the morning.
  • Brew a tea of witch hazel and soak a piece of cloth in it. Rub the cloth over the swollen area, to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  • Take a few leaves of cabbage and tie them in a moist cloth. Place over the swollen area.
  • You can also place cucumber slices over potato slices and tie the two over the swelling, using a cloth. This will help in reducing the inflammation.
  • To reduce swollen feet during pregnancy, drink a glass of warm limejuice every day.
  • Another way to control swelling is to take 3 to 4 tablespoons of lecithin seeds every day, during pregnancy.
  • Soak 20 sesame seeds in water, overnight. Drink the water next morning, on an empty stomach.
  • Mix one teaspoon of palm sugar and two teaspoons of fennel seeds in two cups of water. Boil till the mixture reduces to half. Drink this thrice a day, to prevent swollen feet.
  • Boil two teaspoons of coriander seeds in two glass of water, until the mixture reduces to half. Drink a glass each, for three days.
  • Mix a cup of bitter gourd juice with a tablespoon of limejuice and drink it on an empty stomach. Drink this for 4 to 5 months.

Massage is another way to improve circulation,  alleviate pain and soothing aches. Massaging with natural essential oils is effective for reducing swelling as well.

Essential Oils enhance health, beauty and well being. They energise and detoxify. They represent an ideal alternative for looking after your body, your mind and your spirit. They are one of nature’s most effective tools for stimulating and storing positive energy, providing us with great support in our quest for a balanced, healthy and harmonious life. Use caution if you are going to use natural essential oils and massage at home because essential oils can be very healing to the body but also have the adverse effect if used in larger amounts, or you could cause skin irritation and damage to the skin. Since they are detoxifying you need to know what you are doing to your body. Your feet harbor the most toxins, so use essential oils with EXTREME caution.

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