
Posts Tagged ‘flax seed’

Dilated capillaries are caused by climate, stimulants, caffeine,  incorrect products, smoking, side effects of medication, alcohol,  and can also be hereditary. When sensitive skin is irritated, by temperature changes, spicy food, alcohol etc, the capillary veins dilate all over the face and neck. Since sensitive skin also tends to be especially fine and transparent, redness is particularly visible. Unfortunately sometimes others are more vascular and capillaries surface to the skin more.

There are several easy fixes to strengthen the capillaries such as: Protect the skin from harsh conditions such as wind, sun, hot temperatures, cutting back on hot drinks, smoking, alcohol and spicy foods. Another key to helping strengthen the capillary is Flax Seed. There are many additional health benefits to Flax seed such as its high in Omega 3 Fatty acids, antioxidant, studies have shown that it helps reduce the risks of cancer, diabetes, cholesterol and many other conditions.

If you are a smoker, often times it is harder for you to strengthen the capillaries because of the constant flow of nicotine. Watercress is a great way to take the carcinogenics out of your body. The watercress MUST be chewed to be effective.

Although there are controversies about the actual benefits of drinking water and it effecting the appearance of the skin. Water is known to hydrate the skin to help prevent dry skin.  Drinking water in adequate amounts is necessary to flush out toxins out of the body via the lymphatic system. With inadequate amounts of water flowing through the body, these toxins can build up in the body and escape through skin pores.

REMEMBER: You only have One face, so wear it well!

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