
Posts Tagged ‘back treatment’

With Summer quickly approaching, you might be heading to a warmer climate where a shirt is optional attire. To prepare for this you might be putting in some extra hours at the gym or even waxing some not often seen parts of your body.

Before you go on your trip, put on a swim suit, or take your shirt off you might want to look over your shoulder to check out your back for any pimples, black heads, or white heads. You know “bacne”.

Back acne or “bacne” is not just a problem for the “tween” and teen crowd; many adults find that they too are suffering from a blemished back. A lot of people are dealing with this problem that was once thought of as a pubescent problem, but, they don’t know what causes their back(s) to break out. Sadly, there really isn’t a clear answer- no pun intended.

Dermatologist and doctors generally agree that acne ‘pops up’ during puberty because the sebaceous gland kicks on and starts to produce sebum. Sebum is a waxy or oily matter that lubricates your skin and hair. When the body over produces sebum it can clog up your pores and hair follicles attracting bacteria causing your skin to break out.

While we still don’t know why adult’s (whose sebaceous glands should have regulated itself) bodies break out. We do know some ways to treat your break outs once it happens. Below you will find some tips recommended to treat your unsightly back break outs:

* Shower daily and use an exfoliating body wash when you shower, by exfoliating daily you are removing dead skin and unclogging your pores. As we discussed earlier clogged pores attract bacteria and cause acne.  This is an easy, inexpensive way to treat your “bacne”.

* You can use salt scrubs or sugar scrubs on a weekly basis.  These scrubs act as an exfoliate, but shouldn’t be used every day. Exfoliating too much can cause your skin to become red, blotchy and irritated. A sugar scrub is a little softer to the skin than the salt scrub, if you have sensitive skin try the sugar scrub.

* Sometimes the most obvious is the most elusive- a face wash or scrub specifically designed to treat acne can be used on your back as well. Think about it, if it works on your face, why wouldn’t it work on your back?

*Because acne can be caused by your body producing too much sebum all the washing, face scrubs, and exfoliating might not help. If you have tried at home remedies you might want to call your doctor or dermatologist and ask for a prescription for a topical gel that uses something like Benzamycin or peroxide.

*Back Facials are a good way to receive professional treatments to clear up “bacne.” Sulfur professional masks are a GREAT way to see INSTANT results.

You might not want to start using one of these products right before you head to a sunny beach for spring break. They can make your skin more vulnerable to sun burn, so talk to your doctor and weigh your options before you start using a prescribed product.

Remember “bacne” is something that tweens, teens, and adults have to deal with. Be aware of what’s going on over your shoulder, make the necessary adjustments and you too will be able to shamelessly shed your shirt.

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