
Archive for March, 2010

“I’m trying as hard as I can, and sometimes things don’t go your way, and that’s the way things go. It doesn’t mean you give up, it means you try HARDER!” Tiger Woods

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“The question isn’t who is going to LET me; it’s who is going to STOP me?” -Unknown

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What is Lomi Lomi and what does it do??? Read our latest blog to find out the answers!!! http://ow.ly/1slmR

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Massage is one of the oldest and most powerful forms of healing. Lomi Lomi is one of the most profound forms of massage. You are probably asking what makes it so special, what is it, how does it differ from other massage, how does it “work”?

The word Lomi Lomi simply means massage. What it is, is a unique healing massage derived from the ancient Polynesians and more specifically the master healers of Hawaii.

To understand the depth of Lomi Lomi massage, it helps to have an understanding of the Hawaiian philosophy called Huna, and how the philosophies of Huna relate to bodywork and healing.

A fundamental assumption of Huna is that everything seeks harmony and everything seeks love.  How does this relate to massage? Perhaps this can best be understood by one of the alternate names for Lomi Lomi, and that is “Loving Hands” massage. The reason for this is that it works gently yet deeply into the muscles with continuous, flowing strokes, totally nurturing the body and, enabling the recipient to relax, give in and simply bThis technique is an important part of the massage and associated healing, much of the work is done by love, with the focus of the practitioner on the client being deep and complete, using loving hands and a loving heart.

Using the long continuous, flowing strokes, combined with the very loving touch, relaxes the entire being, assisting in a letting go of old beliefs, patterns and behaviours that cause limitations and which are stored in the cells of our body. People generally think of memory, beliefs, our “programming”, as being stored in our head, in our brain. This is not the case, this memory and other programming is in fact stored in all the cells of our body.

Following the idea that an idea or belief can block energy flow as much as muscle tension can. Lomi Lomi helps release the blockages, while at the same time giving the energy new direction. Thus Lomi Lomi is not just a physical experience; it also facilitates healing on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels as well. The Hawaiians view all aspects of the body as one and believe that the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual are all part of the “whole” self – when healing is effected on one level, all levels are affected.

When harmony is lacking the effect is pain physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Illness is a state of tension, which leads to resistance which blocks energy movement. Lomi Lomi helps release this and therefore facilitates the road to healing. On the physical level, through Lomi Lomi stress and tension are relieved, blood and lymph flow assisted and the elimination of wastes and toxins stimulated.

What happens during a Lomi Lomi massage? How is it performed? A Lomi Lomi usually commences with a stillness between the practitioner and client, often with the practitioners hands gently resting on the clients back. In this stillness the practitioner will quietly say a blessing or prayer asking for whatever healing is needed to take place during the massage. Alternatively or as well, the client may be asked to set their intention for any healing they would like to receive. The masseuse then works very intuitively with the client. In this respect there is no set format or sequence for the massage and no two massages will ever be identical.

The massage is given in fluid, rhythmic motion using the forearms as well as the hands. Some people have described this as feeling like gentle waves moving over the body. Another feature is that different parts of the body may be massaged at the same time, for example one arm or hand may be working on a shoulder and the other hand may be working on the opposite hip. This assists the recipient in totally relaxing as it is impossible or at least extremely difficult for the brain to focus on the two different areas at once. By not working on areas in isolation a deep sense of balance and harmony is achieved. As I said earlier, why this technique is important, the priority is loving the body, using intuition so the massage is “right” for the client. The client on the table is not viewed as someone to be fixed, but a being to be returned to harmony and balance. It is important to remember that the practitioner does not heal but is the facilitator for the healing.

Under body and full body strokes also help to free the energy, make the body soft, promoting free and abundant flow of life energy in the recipient. According to Huna philosophy, energy also gets blocked in the joints. Gentle stretches of the body and gentle rotations of the joints are therefore also incorporated to assist the release of tensions and assist the flow of energy, once again not forcing, but feeling the level of the clients resistance or comfort. The masseuse may also hum at various points during the Lomi Lomi as the vibrating and amplified energy that results also aids the release of blockages.

Another major difference from other massage is that the person lays directly on the vinyl of the table and not on a towel and rather than being covered completely by towels, is covered by a small sheet or towel leaving most of the body exposed during the massage, whilst maintaining the recipients modesty. This makes it a lot easier to perform the underbody and full body strokes without interrupting the flow of the massage. You may be thinking it must be very cold in the middle of winter. To overcome this and ensure the comfort of the client, heaters can be used to maintain the room temperature at a warm level.

Because the practitioner works intuitively, a massage may be slow and very relaxing or at times it may be a little faster and therefore more invigorating and enlivening to the body. Sometimes the recipient may experience an emotional release as the massage can release and shift negative emotions, negative beliefs and other “stuff” that has been stored in the cells of the body, with the healing effects of the massage continuing long after the massage is over.

The massage can be done by one person or by two or more people working together. Having two people massaging tends to send to recipient into an even deeper level of relaxation as you really can’t focus on four hands doing different things – it really is a blissful and fairly mindblowing experience.

The Aloha Spirit refers to the attitude of friendly acceptance for which the people of Hawaii are so famous. Aloha stands for so much more than hello or goodbye or love. Its deeper meaning is ” the joyful sharing of life energy in the present”. This really is one of the secrets of Lomi Lomi and to love and nurture the body as if it was your own. Aunty Margaret who is one of the oldest and widely recognised teacher of Lomi Lomi has a definition of Lomi Lomi which is “The Loving Touch – a connection of heart, hands and soul with the Source of All Life!”  Healing is increased by love, love received and love given. In the Oxford Dictionary the definition of love is fondness, a deep or passionate affection to someone or something – to the Hawaiians it is so much more, it also includes tolerance, forgiveness, acceptance, non judgment, appreciation, compassion, respect and so many other elements – this is the very foundation of a Lomi Lomi massage.

The massage therapist at Rejuvenation Salon and Spa has taken extensive classes and are certified in Lomi Lomi Massage. Come rejuvenate your mind, body and SOUL!

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When it comes to natural skin care, essential oils are an invaluable tool. These natural, non-greasy oils from plants and herbs are used for toning, spot treatment of acne, scars and blemishes, smoothing wrinkles and age marks, creating a healthy glow and bringing skin back to life. Most beauty regimens involve essential oils in tiny amounts, usually diluted in a vegetable oil or cream with other natural and synthetic ingredients. In these forms, essential oils are being used more for fragrance and marketing than for their therapeutic properties.

In fact, most of the oils in commercial health and beauty products hardly have medicinal or therapeutic properties – they are grown and processed in such a rapid way that the healing potential of the plants is lost.

Pure and properly derived essential oils require a slower, more arduous process and yield a smaller volume of product – but quality essential oils are able to provide concentrated oxygen and nutrients to the skin that is almost impossible to get from other sources.

If you’re using therapeutic-grade, organic essential oils, you can put the oils directly onto your skin, or dilute them with a carrier oil for easier application.

Some of the most popular essential oils to restore skin’s health and beauty include:

Clary Sage

Clary sage contains plant chemicals which are very similar to human hormones and act as “hormone precursors” – the human body can convert them to whatever it needs at the time. It is also helpful to skin where there is a hormonal imbalance acting in concert with a skin issue.


Similar to tea tree oil (below), eucalyptus is well known for its ability to clear blackheads and blemishes and create smooth skin.


Lavender is often called the “universal oil,” good for everything and harmful to none – unless you’re using hybrid lavender or an artificial substitute. Real lavender is very difficult to find and labels can be misleading. Lavender is a natural antiseptic and has properties in it to soothe skin and clear acne. It is also  good for the skin, soothing and calming, and extraordinarily healing for burns and blemishes, but is very drying.


Citrus oils are healing and restorative to the skin. A dab of lemon oil, in particular, is one of the fastest ways to clear up acne, take the redness away from a break out and assists in shrinking pore size. But beware: citrus oils may discolour (like a sunburn) if exposed to direct sunlight within 72 hours of application.


The lesser-known partner to Frankincense, Myrrh was well-known in the ancient world as a balm and was used to treat almost everything. This thick, resinous essential oil is often considered invaluable for treating rashes and blemishes caused by warts, eczema, and bacteria. (But be careful of your source – inferior quality myrrh, processed from the resin, can contain solvents and chemicals that make it unsafe to use directly on the skin.)


Patchouly is often recommended for all kinds of skin conditions. It is excellent for treating rashes and scarring, and may be used as a moisturizer or as deodorant because of its powerful fragrance.


Sandalwood oil has a mild fragrance and is extremely moisturizing. One of the ancient healing oils used for the skin in Biblical times, it is helpful for removing wrinkles and scars and renewing tired skin.

Tea Tree (Melaleuca)

Tea tree or melaleuca is useful for cleaning and soothing blotchy skin or acne. It helps heal blemishes and relieves congestion in the skin.

There are some important things to remember in purchasing essential oils. Make sure they are ORGANIC and come from a trustworthy source. If they are not in a pure form they can have extra added chemicals, some of the properties can damage and harm the skin, a little goes a long way-so use the oil sparingly, make sure you know your specific skin type. Using products even essential oils can change your hyaluronic acid level (natural moisture of your skin) and cause you oil break out shine or dry, chapped or chaffed skin.

You can find natural essential oils at Ubiquitous Journey. There address is: 15011 Meridian E.  Suite C Puyallup WA 98373. Their phone number is: 253.445.6128. If they do not have a specific essential oil you are looking for they can custom order it for you. They are organic and made from plant derivatives.

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With such a wide variety of anti-aging products advertised on television and available on any department store shelve, it is difficult to know which one has scientific proven health benefits to the skin.

Minerals such as Vitamin A,C,E,D, beta carotene, and Coenxyme Q10 are all proven antioxidants that will fight free radicals.

Honey is a great natural anti aging skin care product that has actual health benefits to help fight the signs of aging. Throughout the centuries, legendary beauties like Cleopatra and Poppea, wife of Roman Emperor Nero have used raw honey as part of their skin and hair care treatments to keep them looking youthful. This natural healing products contains an enzyme called glucose oxidase, that when combined with water, produces hydrogen peroxide, a mild antiseptic. In addition to the glucose oxidase enzyme, honey also contains antioxidants and flavonoids that may function as antibacterial agents. Honey is also a great natural moisturizer for dry and parched skin. A humectant it is able to attract and retain moisture, and rebuild the moisture level in the skin without making it oily. Honey provides a calming effect without irritating the skin, and helps replenish necessary skin moisture, especially during the winter months. This is why the golden liquid is such a popular anti aging skin care ingredient in many commercial moisturizing products including cleansers, creams, shampoos, shower gels, and conditioners. And because it’s so gentle, it is suitable for sensitive skin and baby care products.

Here are some GREAT facial masks that you can do at home:

For Dry Skin: Avocado & Honey Face Mask

You will need:

2 tablespoons of avocado flesh

2 tablespoons honey

1 egg yolk

To form this anti aging skin care face mask, put all the ingredients in a blender, or mash by hand in a bowl. Use your fingers to spread the mask over your face and neck and leave it on for at least 30 minutes, preferably longer, before removing.

For Dry Skin: Honey and Egg Mask

You will need

1 tablespoon honey

1 egg yolk

1/2 teaspoon almond oil

1 tablespoon yogurt

Put all ingredients into a large bowl and stir until it becomes sticky and thick. Apply the mask to your face for 5 minutes and wash face thoroughly with a mild facial soap. Honey stimulates and smoothes, egg and almond oil penetrate and moisturize, and yogurt refines and tightens pores.

For Tired Skin: Almond Yoghurt Honey Mask

You will need:

6oz plain yoghurt

¼oz finely-crushed almonds

2tsp honey

2tsp wheatgerm oil

Mix all the ingredients into a smooth paste. Apply and massage the mixture into skin. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes.

For Normal Skin: Apple Honey Mask

You will need

1 Apple, cored & quartered

2 Tablespoons Honey

Drop the apple pieces into a food processor and chop. Add honey and refrigerate for 10 minutes. Pat the mixture onto your face with a light tapping motion, tapping until the honey feels tacky. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse.

For Oily Skin: Honey-Papaya Mask

You will need:

1/3-cup cocoa

three teaspoons of heavy cream

1/3-cup ripe papaya

1/4-cup honey and three teaspoons of oatmeal powder

Mix and apply on your face. After 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water. This anti aging face mask helps heal skin blemishes, nourishes, draws out impurities, balances your skin pH, and will leave your skin radiant and soft. Good for acne prone skin.

REMEMBER: Don;t self diagnose your skin type. Have a Licensed Esthetician complete a skin analysis and obtain detailed information and past health history on your specific skin!!

Happy Masking!!

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Washington State is one of the highest states for skin cancer. There are two specific reasons for this:

1. We as Washingtonians have a facade that because the sun doesn’t bless us regularly that we don’t need to protect our faces with SPF (SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor). The rays from the sun are more harmful to your skin when the sun is not shinning then when it is. SPF should be apart of your daily home care regimen. Please note: If your relying on the SPF in your make-up this doesn’t count as proper USB protection for your face because the deemed number by the FDA is not as potent once the chemicals to camouflage blemishes are added.

2.Unfortunately since we don’t see the sun very often there is a tanning salon on almost every major street. Increasing the skin cancer number IMMENSELY.

Did you know that nearly 30 million people in the U.S. tan in tanning salons every year; on average, that’s more than 1 million people a day who are baking themselves under tanning lamps. More than 70% of them are Caucasian females aged 16 to 49 years. The indoor tanning industry’s revenues have increased fivefold since 1992, to about $5 billion.

Many studies show that exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light is a definite risk factor for melanoma. Using a tanning bed more than 10 times a year made people seven times more likely to develop malignant melanoma than those who did not use tanning beds as often. The risk of melanoma was increased by 300% for those using tanning beds occasionally and by 800% for those using tanning beds more than 10 times a year. The FDA estimates that about 38,000 people will be diagnosed with melanoma this year in the U.S. and 7,300 people will die from this condition. The United States Department of Health & Human Services names UV radiation from the sun, and from artificial sources such as tanning beds and sun lamps, as a proven carcinogen – a cancer causing substance.

An IMPORTANT Fact you need to know:

There’s no such thing as a “safe tan”

Sunlight contains different wavelengths of UV light. UVA rays penetrate deeper into your skin and cause tanning. UVB rays damage the more superficial skin layers and cause sunburn. Many tanning salons claim that indoor tanning is safe because you are exposed to more tanning UVA rays than burning UVB rays. Medical research disproves this claim. Skin cancer is certainly associated with sunburn from UVB rays, but scientists at the FDA and other respected institutions now have evidence that even moderate tanning due to UVA rays produces the same long-term skin damage as a sunburn, increasing your risk of skin cancer and premature skin aging, and damaging your immune system. UVA rays penetrate deep into your skin, causing significant destruction and loss of skin elasticity. UVA exposure is associated with an increased risk for squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma and melanoma.

Here are some safe ways to add some color to your skin that aren’t dangerous:

  • Self Tanner lotions are a great way to add color to your skin. There is one that I would recommend that will not leave your skin orange in color is Jergens Natural Glow Revitalizing Daily Moisturizer, this comes in different shades based upon your natural skin tone. It can be found at any department store.
  • Bronzers are another wonderful way to add color to your face and declote. These come in several different shades and brands. It is impostant to find the right on that accents your natural undertones and is for your specific skin type.
  • Spray tanning is good as well, although there is some controversy about the chemicals that are in the bottles that dispense on your body. Studies have shown that this can cause damage to your lungs and respiratory system. If you have any questions wither it is safe for you or your health contact your physician who will have specific medical history on you.

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Acne is a skin condition characterized by whiteheads, blackheads, and inflamed red pimples usually referenced to as “zits” or “pimples.”  This condition is also caused by bacteria on the skin. Some of us battle acne on a regular basis while other suffer from occasional break-out activity. The only thing that seems to be more consistent then “pimples” is the barrage of medical remedies that are being pushed on us on a daily basis as a solution to our problem. While some of these products definitely have the benefit of helping to clear up acne, often you can get the same results by doing self treatment. Most acne products contain benzoyl peroxide, which is very drying to the skin. Education is key to helping clear acne and break out activities. The following are some GREAT at home tips to utilize to clear your skin and be on the road to healthy, bacteria-free skin.

  • Change your pillow case daily. The reason for this is if you think of all the germs, bacteria and environmental hazards that our hair comes in contact with on a daily basis and now those are spread to our pillow case, then to our face.
  • Drink water. The average person is supposed to consume an average of 10 full glasses of water each and every day. However the average person does not. Clear, healthy skin is well hydrated. Dead skin cells are reluctant to make way for new if your skin is dehydrated, and without fresh skin cells, you are more prone to develop acne.
  • Avoid the use of harsh chemicals, especially in the treatment of acne. Natural products are always better than their man made counterparts. With the use of chemical products, there is a higher risk of unwanted side effects from the treatment, often with no understanding of the cause. Not only are natural products better for you, but with lower production and regulation costs, they are also usually more cost effective. Why pay more for less benefit and higher risk? Lavender and eucalyptus are  great natural essential oils that can clear acne or small break-outs. Remember, a little goes a long way. More is not better.
  • An often overlooked method of creating an acne breakout is to constantly touch the face, as people under stress tend to do more than those not under such stress. Stress also releases hormones into the system that exacerbate acne, increase it, while reducing the ability for other treatment options to remain effective. Exercise, meditation, or even relaxing with friends can have a positive effect on the reduction of stress levels that make getting you acne under control much harder.
  • Get some fresh air and a little sun- While not advising to get a tan, getting out of a stale air, indoor environment for 20-30 minutes a day can keep your skin flush with vitamin E, essential to good skin health. Not only that, indoor environments have a dampening effect on the mood, which can also lead to higher stress levels and worsen your acne problems. Take a break from your indoor activities and go outside for a bit. It can do wonders for your complexion as well as your psyche.
  • Limit your use of dairy intake. Dairy is hard for our bodies to digest because of the extra added hormones in the products. If our bodies cannot fully break down the bi products, the excess will be stored in our sebaceous glad, or our sweat gland. This will cause the toxins to come through our pores.  Try soy based products as an alternative.
  • ALWAYS wash your hands before washing your face. This will hinder further spread of germs and bacteria on the skin.
  • DON’T be a product junkie! Skin care lines are easily advertised on televisions, ads and newspapers promoting their own skin care products. Skin is a delicate subject and not everyones skin is the same. The top layer of our skin is an “acid mantle” it has a natural ph level which is 4.5-5.5 ranging on the person. Whenever you are using a product that is too drying or moisturizing to the skin it will hinder the ph level and will cause your acid mantle to either produce too much oil or dry your skin out and cause it to flake. Not all products are created for your specific skin type. It is IMPORTANT to have a complimentary skin analysis by someone Licensed.
  • It is also important to remember when you have break-out activities to not pick and “pop” this can cause hyperpigmentation, or discoloration to the skin. Which will result in scarring. Again if you MUST extract a brea-out make sure your hands are clean also make sure the area that you extracted is cleaned afterwards. Otherwise you will cause more break-outs.
  • If you exercise on a regular basis be aware of how much time is elapsing in between finishing your work out and washing your face. Sweat is the way our bodies detoxify and release toxins. These toxins and bacteria need to be washed away to prevent future break outs.
  • Exfolliating is another way to help sluff off the dead skin and help the pores to not become clogged. Exfolliating should be done a maximum of three days a week and NOT consecutive days.

REMEMBER happy skin is healthy skin. Products that work for others, wont necessarily work on your skin because EVERYBODY’S skin is different. Thats what makes us all unique!

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Age spots or liver spots are a build up of the chemical melanin in the skin, resulting in a brownish or black blemish on the skin and usually afflicting people over the age of 40 with a history of prolonged exposure to the sun. Although called liver spots, this condition is a skin occurrence that has absolutely nothing to to with the liver. The main cause for liver spots is a gradual and continuous exposure to UV rays, which leads the body to react with overproduction of the main skin pigmentation causing chemical melanin. It may take years for these spots to begin appearing on the skin, and although a long lived condition in the making, removal and reduction of the effects of liver spots, though not immediate, need not take the same amount of time to treat. If you are afflicted with liver spots, there are several treatments that are popular, with the most effective being the four mentioned here:

  1. Protect your skin from the sun. With the use of sunscreen, properly covering clothing, and avoiding sun overexposure is the number one defense against these unsightly blemishes. Be sure to read your sunscreen products, and eye wear to make sure that they effectively protect you against the UVA and UVB rays that promote melanin buildup. Using a stand alone SPF in a moisturizer is critical. If it is in your make-up it DOESN’T count because the potency of the SPF strength is diluted once the chemicals to cover blemishes are added.
  2. A proper diet – While not always associated with skin care, a proper diet can go a long way in reducing liver spots. Vitamin C and vitamin E rich foods such as citrus fruits and green vegetables are not only great for your skin, but also help to promote general health and higher natural energy levels at almost any stage of life.
  3. Skin creams – Natural skin creams known to help with the reduction of age and liver spots are found many pharmacies, either over the counter or through the prescription of your health care professional. One great substance that is often found in these whitening creams is hydroquinone.  Dermalogica’s Chromo White line has been shown in clinical trial to diminish the signs of age spots by as much as half. To promote the production of elasticity and collagen in your skin, two naturally occuring substances in the body that help the skin to remain firm, elastic, and young looking all at the same time.
  4. Use anti-oxidant containing natural supplements. Natural supplements, often containing either green tea or olive leaves are a great source of anti-oxidants that help to reduce the amount of free radicals in the skin that lead to progressive skin damage and lowered protection levels. Make sure that the supplements that you take are composed of all natural ingredients in order to ensure the safety of their use, as well as their proven effectiveness, as most chemical concoctions seem to benefit the marketing department of the source company than they do the health of your skin.
  5. Chemical peels have great health benefits to help lighten age and liver spots on the surface, while providing benefits to the inner layers of skin.

Using these methods on their own or in conjunction with each other often help to not only reduce the signs of age and liver spots, but also act a a preventative measure against re-occurrence or spread of the condition.

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Hair is made up of dead protein called keratin. This is the same material that makes up fingernails, toenails, and teeth in humans and horns and hooves in animals. Humans have hair all over their exterior bodies except for the palms of hands, bottoms of the feet, toenails and fingernails, eyeballs, and lips. There are about five million hairs on a human’s body.

The average number of hairs on a human head is 100,000. Surprisingly, blondes have more hair than people with other hair colors. Blondes average 140,000 hairs on their fair heads. Redheads have the least amount of hair, with an average of about 80,000 hairs. Blonde hair is the finest and black hair is the coarsest. Men generally also have coarser hair than females, but women’s hair is denser.

Men’s hair grows faster than women’s hair. Bone marrow is the only part of the human body that grows quicker than hair. Human hair grows about an inch every three or four months. Human hair grows quicker in warm weather.

For healthy humans, most hair doesn’t live longer than seven years and can be as short as three years. Because of this, human hair doesn’t usually grow longer than a couple of feet. A human’s entire head of hair is replaced more than ten times during their lifetime.

As a person ages, hair grows slower and gets thinner in both males and females. More than half of men have male pattern hair loss by the age of fifty. Almost half of women will experience female pattern hair loss by the time they go through menopause. The normal rate of hair loss in humans is about seventy-five hairs daily. In order to be visible to others, about half of hair must be lost.

There are several way to prevent future hair loss. Some of these include:

  Include vitamin C to prevent hair loss and encourage hair restoration for those going bald. Vitamin C is a natural part of healthy hair and an important dietary addition. Because it is water soluble, it needs to be consumed daily to keep the body supplied with the proper amount. Eat fresh citrus fruits or taking a vitamin C supplement. Recommended doses range between 1,000-3,000 mg daily.

  The B vitamins and biotin are necessary components for hair growth. B3 is known to increase circulation to the scalp and B6 helps to strengthen and condition weak hair. Taking a vitamin B complex supplement daily with at least 100 mg of B6 should aid in helping to grow hair.

  Adequate iron is necessary for proper oxygenation of the blood and contributes to increased circulation in the scalp. Eat foods high in iron to prevent hair loss such as raisins, apricots, green leafy vegetables, liver and whole grains.

  Vitamin E stimulates hair growth by increasing circulation to the scalp. Vitamin E may be taken orally and also added to hot oil treatments for the scalp to protect and restore hair as well as preventing hair loss.

  Consider using a laser comb for hair restoration. Based on reports from the manufacturer, the HairMax laser comb was cleared for use by the FDA for cases of alopecia, or balding. Reports claim it stimulates hair follicles promoting hair re-growth.

  Receiving scheduled hair trims will also help stimulate the new growth of the hair follicle.

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